Good Will Hunting


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The film delivers an intellectually and emotionally fulfilling story. Not only the movie outstandingly written, the culture shown through the movie adds to the overall effect.

Good Will Hunting is one of my favorite movies of all-time. Not only that, but I firmly believe that it is one of the most well-written, acted, and directed films ever made. Matt Damon and Ben Affleck, who also star in the film as Will Hunting and Chuckie Sullivan respectively, penned the absolutely wonderful script for the film, which is chalked full of heart, trauma, and a slice of hope for the future.


“Good Will Hunting,” in my opinion, is the best film I’ve seen. The story deep down  into the characters and every one is fully developed.  It is one of the few movies that has not been “Hollywoodized.” “Good Will Hunting,” more than anything, is a story about discovery. After years of working construction, the main character thought he knew who he was, but it wasn’t until fate put him in the hands of the therapist played by Robin Williams when he truly discovered his inner potential.

In addition to family background, cultural assumptions such as education and socio-economic status influence the way one views “Good Will Hunting.” It is difficult to understand why someone so brilliant as Hunting is not in school. Although he is a genius, his mental capacity goes unrecognized without an education. Hunting can’t afford a proper education, and lacks motivation because of his rough family background. He does not think he deserves a greater life. Everyone in Hunting’s life expected him to do poorly. Therefore, he failed in the few attempts he convinced himself to make. However, this was not considered failing in his opinion. He considered this following the norm.

“Good Will Hunting” is predictable, but the storyline, in some ways, is irrelevant. The emotions associated with the story overpower the stereotypical situations. Emotional dialogue is the key component of this film and hearts are touched while delving deep into the unmentionable parts of life. Love, faith and trust are also important themes in the film.  After Hunting let his girlfriend into his vulnerable, emotional side, he found everything he had been searching for in life. The answers to his problems couldn’t be found in books, but they could be found in love.

Will Hunting  seems to be a normal college-aged boy, but  turns out to be a rebel genius from a rough part of Boston. He was orphaned at a young age, leaving him with severe attachment problems. Through his young adult years, he is arrested and bailed out by a professor at MIT, who notices his genius. In order to be free from jail, Hunting is required to go to counseling. After trying  several counselors, he finally finds one  unwilling to accept his reverse psychology techniques. This counselor helps him discover his hidden potential and realize his gifts revolve around more than just his brain. He also discovers the meaning of love and the one girl who allows him to feel love’s true meaning. For the first time, he lets someone in. However, the film’s real story involves Hunting finding out who he is, which is more than just a blue-collar man or extreme genius.


To me, Good Will Hunting is about the realization of one’s greatness and finally learning to embrace it and to take the right steps in order to fulfill your destiny. On the surface, the film looks like any ordinary drama, but it’s so much more than that. Words truly cannot express how meaningful this movie is to me. Even though I can’t say that I relate to some of these characters, the film still speaks to me on such a deep level. I’ve seen the movie several times since my initial viewing four years ago, and every single time I watch it I cry like it’s the first time I am experiencing this story. The writing on display is so beautiful and so moving. It has some comedy in there as well, and it’s all excellent mind you, but it never takes away from the deeply personal story of a young, gifted man who tries to finally accept who he is and take the steps that are necessary to become truly great.

Good Will Hunting is a delightfully moving and emotionally gripping story of learning to embrace one’s greatness and taking the necessary steps toward a great future.


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